This is what happens when I get too much on my plate. With only having a 1/2 time assistant, testing, report cards and other end of the year hoopla - I simply couldn't find the time to blog.
Achieving an A in 2 Grad School classes with all that on my plate in condensed 5 week Summer Session classes after being out for 8 years...yeah. I have started 2 new ones and school is
In addition to that,

I live at the pool with my 2 kids and my nephew and sister. As much as I enjoy blogging and creating TpT materials, I can tell you how much fun it is being at the pool instead :)
I am not going to promise any regular blogging for the Summer even though I feel guilty for not blogging, but I will check in from time to time when I have a minute :)
On to July's Currently!
I am hanging out with my sweet Elijah and he wants to watch The Backyardigans. Such a cute little show! :)
The best thing about Summer for me is being in my pajamas and sleeping in! I love not having to get ready first thing in the morning and having time to just relax!
I have A LOT of Grad School work for this week. It overwhelms me just looking at it. I really need to get started!
Not only do I need to get started, I want to get all that work done!
One of the projects I really want to do this Summer is organize my kids rooms and sell some of the excess toys we have. I haven't quite gotten that motivation yet, though!
Last but not least, my tip is to do what you can and don't over extend yourself! I blog when I can, I pin when I can, I work on TpT stuff when I can. At the end of the day my family comes first and the rest is just icing on the cake.
Are you still with me? If so, I'm having a 20% off sale in my TpT store! This will be the last one for a while! Stop by if you like :)