Sunday, August 30, 2015

Back to School Bash with The Primary Pack

Our hop is a 3…2…1… BACK TO SCHOOL BASH because each member of The Primary Pack will be giving you 3 teacher tips, 2 giveaways (one on each of our blogs and one BIG one on the Primary Pack), and 1 freebie!

To enter our BIG giveaway, you need to head over to THE PRIMARY PACK first! As you "hop" through each of our blogs, you will collect a letter from each of us… 28 total. Those letters spell out a secret code that you need to enter our BIG giveaway! You will use the secret code to enter the rafflecopter on The Primary Pack at the end of the hop.

You need to collect the letters from us IN ORDER, so please make sure that you start from the beginning of our hop. Click on the button below to head over to THE PRIMARY PACK and start our BACK TO SCHOOL BASH!!

Take LOTS of pictures!  I'm like the paparazzi in my room.  Kindergarten is such an important year and a year of growth.  I'm always amazed looking at my students from the beginning of the year to the end of the year and seeing how much they have changed.  Parents miss so much and they will appreciate the pictures you take and if you have a way to share them throughout the year or at the end of the year via a slideshow, dvd, youtube link etc.

Be patient.  Especially if you teach Kindergarten. We often remember the way our kids were at the end of the year and forget that we have to teach them EVERYTHING...and they take things literally.  It takes time, they will get there.  Be firm, but loving.  Repeat yourself and be explicit with your instructions. 

Get your work done even if you have to work a little late, but don't forget to take time for yourself and your family.  Don't overwork yourself!  You are not going to be an effective teacher if you are tired and moody.  Get rest and be happy! :) 

The Primary Pack is giving away a Cameo y'all!! Have you seen one? #lifechanging I have used mine this year to make my bulletin boards cuter and added vinyl to all kinds of things! Here are some ideas of how I use my Cameo in my room:

There are tons of back to school packs in my TpT store you could use and what better way to get them than with a $10 store credit? Head over and make your wishlist so if you win, you'll know what to choose! :) 

Here's a freebie you definitely need to start the year with: 

I use this to help my littles learn to cut strips, wavy/curvy lines, and shapes.  Before I give them this, I show them how to make "salad" by giving them pieces of bulletin board paper.

I give them green paper to tear.  This is the lettuce of their "salad." Then I give them a strip of yellow paper to snip, this is their cheese.  Last I give them a piece of blue to teach them to fringe cut, we call this a fancy napkin.  This really teaches them how to use their hands together and show some control with cutting.  It's a great lesson! (It will take you several days to teach!) 


You've made it to the end of my post, so here's my letter!

Find your next letter here:

Happy hopping!!

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Back to School Giveaway

Aarrggh you ready for back to school? I know this week I have been hiding on denial island and living it up as much as possible!! I have spent the week getting morning workouts in and hanging out with my bestie and our kids at the pool! I am sad to head back to work next week, but I know that routine is great for my family and so getting back to school will be great and let's face it...I love my kinders so meeting a new group is EXCITING!! 

What do I love about new fresh faces? What do I not love about it? They hang on my every word! Yes its going to be difficult and I forget that I have to teach them everything, but that's exactly what I love about Kindergarten.  I already can't wait to see the tremendous amount of growth!! 

So my question for you is:

All of these Early Childhood Bloggers are ready to help you get ready if you aren't.  How are we going to do that? With giveways on our blogs of course!  I know there has got to be something in my TpT store you could use.  Enter below for a $10 store credit and choose anything you like :) The winner will be emailed and must respond within 2 days or another winner will be chosen.  The products will be emailed to you :) 

Then you can get busy and get prepared for school!  When do you start back?! We have Teacher Workdays starting August 17th and our first day is August 24th! 

Your next stop on the hop is My Day in K! Head on over and enter to win another giveaway! :) 

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