I know my blog posts are out of order! So are my thoughts right about now :) Just go with it!
In Kindergarten, we stagger enrollment so we only have half our class the first 2 days. (Do you do this wherever you are?) This is a great way for us to help the students learn the rules and routines, learn their way around the school etc.
We always plan our day around some sort of story and I know a lot of teachers like to use The Kissing Hand, but I just didn't want to do that story this year, so when I saw this Cool Cat First Day of School Pack from Live Love Laugh Kindergarten, I knew which story I was going to use!

I knew the kids would love this book and it would make the first day a little more fun! Tammy includes hats and certificates, so we did both!
We will definitely keep this tradition! I loved these! :)
My kids LOVE that book! They were singing it in the car on the way to their first day of school.