Monday, October 8, 2012

Special Visitors

Guess who came to visit us this morning???  My good friend Joe Price works at Greenville Fire and Rescue.  With this week being Fire Prevention week, I asked him if he would come talk to all the Kindergarten classes!  He has come out to our class for 3 years now!  I am so thankful that even though today was his day off, he brought some firefighter friends out to see us with the truck.

My sweet Kinders in front of the fire truck!

Seeing how fast Firefighter Holland could get dressed!

 Firefighter Holland with all his gear on.

Firefighter Holland at the top of the ladder. (They told us it was 75 feet in the air!)  The kids LOVED this part!

They thought it would be fun to get one of the teachers to climb the ladder.  (I was wearing a skirt and had an easy out thank goodness!) Mrs. Alston climbing the ladder.

 Firefighter Holland telling us about the different tools on the truck.

It was FREEZING this morning, but we missed the rain and the kids really enjoyed seeing the fire truck and the firefighters.  A special thanks to Joe Price, Lee Avery, Travis Holland and Steve West for taking time out of their day to teach us about Fire Safety!  See you next year!

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  1. Great photos! Thanks for sharing! Anna was thrilled to see the fire truck and the "super big ladder that the teacher climbed!" It was the first thing she started talking about when I picked her up today. Thanks for coordinating such a great activity for our children!

    1. So glad she enjoyed it! It was a complete surprise for them! :)

  2. Love this precious blog! I'm emailing you tonight!

    The Intentional Momma


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