Monday, November 19, 2012

Precious Pilgrims

Today our internet didn't work.  It was like the dark ages friends!  I am obviously dependent upon it to check email, but I have stuff linked in my SMART Board lessons...and they didn't work.  We were supposed to go to the computer lab today...umm the internet and network are down.  SOOO we had to improvise.  We made our Pilgrim hats. (And by we I mean Mrs. Domer did most of the work, I just tied a few bonnets :)

Cuties! They separated themselves like that!

 I told them to take a silly picture - clowns!

 And another - just too hilarious not to share.

We had a block of extra time in the morning so we worked on our Christmas Bulletin Board.  It was touch and go for a minute, but Mrs. Domer did an awesome job leading the group on this one :)

And because all of that wasn't enough excitement, I put up our Christmas tree while they were at PE....and they were beyond wowed and immediately began hoping there were x-boxes and other expensive presents I can't afford to buy coming soon underneath the tree. I hope I can contain their devastation when they realize the (coming soon) presents are from the Dollar Tree! 

Tomorrow - rotations and pie feast and then a nice 5 day weekend (minus the day I work at the bank).  Tune in tomorrow to see my sweeties dressed as the Native Americans.

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  1. Great pictures! I can still hear those kids saying "WOW" when they walked back into the room and the Christmas tree was done!!

  2. I love your blog!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award...hopefully this will help you get more followers! I would love if you would follow me too! See my blog for more information if you are interested!

    Jennifer Kimbrell

    The HiTech Coach


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