Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Newbie Bloggers Blog Hop

I am feeling pretty pitiful with only 13 followers, so hopefully with the Newbie Bloggers Blog Hop I can find some new blogs to follow and some new friends will find me! :) 


I'm linking up with Janis Leach from Grade Three is the Place for Me for the Newbie Bloggers Blog Hop!  There are also some blogs linked at Mrs. Kelly's Klass!

Here are the Questions: 

1.  what state you are in
 2.  your current teaching position 
3.  your teaching experience 
4.  when you started blogging 
5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource 

1.  I am currently in North Carolina. 

2. I am currently a Kindergarten teacher!! 

3. This will be my 8th year teaching!  I taught 1 year in 1st grade and this is my 7th year in Kindergarten.  I LOVE Kindergarten! 

4.  I started blogging this past school year.  I somehow started looking at all sorts of teaching blogs and I thought it would be a good way to post pictures for my student's parents to see what we were doing in the classroom.  I have also been stalking how others post materials and have TpT stores and I just started doing that myself and linking up with other blogs. 

5. Since I am fairly new to blogging, I don't really have any tips...I am still learning!

 I look forward to reading about other new blogs!


  1. Hi! I actually found your blog through a Google search on fire safety. Your labeling activity appeared and I went to your blog! I'm your newest follower! And don't worry about the number of followers because it will come with time.

    Primary Reading Party

    1. So glad you found me! I hope you can use the labeling activity when you do fire safety :) Thanks for following me - I am gonna scoot over and check your blog out too!

  2. I really like your blog design!! I just found you through another blog! Come check us out sometime. http://primarypossibilities.blogspot.com/

    Your newest follower,

  3. Welcome to blogging! I found you through the blog hop and am your newest follower!! The zebra dots in your polka dot background are super adorable! I nominated you for a few awards. :) Head over to this post to check it out! :)

    Teach With All the Colors of the Wind


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