It's Teacher Blog Tuesday! Today's guest blogger is:

Apples and Papers
2. Tell us a little about your blog and why you started it.
After blog stalking for a months I decided to take the plunge and contribute to the blogging world. I loved that I did this. It has made me a better teacher as I am also finding new ideas and striving to help my students. My blog name was inspired by one of those students I will never forget. Everyday he would give me his apple from his breakfast as he didn't like apples. For almost half the year it was unusual for me to not have at least three apples on my desk.
3. How long have you been teaching?
I am in my third year…well technically 2.5 years. I taught first grade for 1.5 years. This year I moved up to second grade with my first graders.
4. What grade do you teach?
Currently I teach second grade. I always thought first grade was my love, but I am finding out I enjoy second grade just as much.
5. What is your favorite thing about teaching?
In one word it is the students. I love when the times they just want to keep learning more and more. The moments when they finally understand, the moments when students feel so proud of themselves for accomplishing a task. I also am always amazed by their creativity. I love that everyday my career allows me to help influence the world in hopefully a positive manner. I can't think of anything better.
6. What else would you like to tell us about?
I am finding out I love to teach math. I am also looking for interesting ways to teach it. I also have been a part of our school's garden project. This is a project I want to further expand through the years.
7. Where else can we find you?
I am on TpT.
8. If you want to include a freebie, what is it and where can we find it?
Making 10 Freebie (K.OA.4)
This freebie is perfect! I am using it this week in my instruction. Stop by to visit her blog and TpT!

Sounds like a great blog! Heading over to check it out now!
The Math Maniac