Today's blogger is Jeanette from:
1. Name of Blog and Link?
Third Grade Galore
2. Tell us a little about your blog and why you started it.
My blog is a mix of teaching ideas and family fun. I love sharing ideas from my classroom, but sometimes I add in stories about my family and everyday life. I think sharing a little bit about my life outside of school helps to show the type of person that I am. The main reason I started my blog was to share my ideas. I love reading all the other blogs and I thought it would be fun to get in on the action. The one thing that really surprised me with blogging is how it has helped me become a better teacher. My blog is a way for me to self reflect on my teaching and examine what does and doesn’t work in my classroom.
3. How long have you been teaching?
I am currently finishing up my 13th year of teaching.
4. What grade do you teach?
I teach third grade, but have also taught first and second grade.
5. What is your favorite thing about teaching?
I love that every day is different. I don’t think I could sit in an office and do the same thing day in and day out.
6. What else would you like to tell us about?
I love math! Many of my blog posts are about math. Next year my district is adopting the Common Core standards for math and I’m excited. You should see our current standards….maybe 10 pages worth of stuff. I’m an eco-mom. I enjoy finding ways to help our earth and I’m sure you will read a blog post or two about it in the future.
7. Where else can we find you?
Pinterest – mix of teaching ideas and every day fun!
8. If you want to include a freebie, what is it and where can we find it?
Synonym Cut and Paste Freebie

Headed over to check out your blog now! I too love math!
The Math Maniac