Today's blogger is Brenda Kovich from Teaching....Seriously!
Teaching . . . Seriously
2. Tell us a little about your blog and why you started it.
After 30 years of teaching, I feel like I have a lot to say. Teaching can be an isolated activity, and, in my estimation, teachers don’t always share. Subsequently, new teachers end up “recreating the wheel.” My blog is all about sharing what’s worked for me. It’s dedicated to big picture planning, responses to student needs and administrative/political demands, instructional decision-making, and reflection. I am serious about teaching. That’s how my blog got its name.
3. How long have you been teaching?
I have been teaching for 30 years.
4. What grade do you teach?
I teach fourth grade. It's a full-time high ability (gifted and talented) class.
5. What is your favorite thing about teaching?
My favorite thing about teaching is teaching. I love brainstorming ways to connect with these students at this time, creating curriculum, delivering instruction, and making sure I reach all students.
6. What else would you like to tell us about?
As a teacher of high ability students, differentiation is my life!
Research projects provide opportunities to differentiate content, process, and product in every classroom (and they address the second Common Core State Standard for Writing). Animals! Animals! Animals!, a free product, explains how. Next year I will be teaching a gen ed fourth grade class with a high ability cluster. I’m just beginning to develop some leveled materials. Examples can be found at and
7. Where else can we find you?
8. If you want to include a freebie, what is it and where can we find it?
Animals! Animals! Animals! can be found on Teachers pay Teachers.
Head over, follower her blog and grab a freebie. I hope you learned something new!

Loving your teacher blog Tuesday posts! Welcome Teaching seriously!!
The Math Maniac