It's teacher blog Tuesday!
Today's guest blogger is Marlie from:
1. Name of Blog and Link?
Curriculum to the Core
2. Tell us a little about your blog and why you started it.
I have just recently started a blog. I started my blog to showcase all of my materials on TpT with the Common Core State Standards. My blogs purpose is to demonstrate my products as well as provide the tags for CCSS. I have a B.S. in Elementary Instruction and a MS in Curriculum and Instruction. I love learning, making, creating, implementing, and analyzing curriculum!
3. How long have you been teaching?
This is my first year teaching kindergarten in a Catholic Choir school. I've taught at the preschool level for two years. So three years combined.
4. What grade do you teach?
5. What is your favorite thing about teaching?
Kindergarten is my favorite grade because of the challenge of having a group of 20-25 kids from all different types of backgrounds. I enjoy the differences of each and every kid. My other favorite part is when student has an “ah-ha!” moment.
6. What else would you like to tell us about? (Special topic you are interested in blogging about.) I’m definitely interested in blogging about curriculum pertaining to the common core. One interest to me is the new Science standards that will be coming out soon. I would love a reason to research and write about them.
7. Where else can we find you?
8. If you want to include a freebie, what is it and where can we find it?
I have a Dr. Seuss freebie that I love!
Stop by and follow her blog & grab her freebie! :)

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