Saturday, February 15, 2014

100th Day Finally Came

Oh the Winter storms this year...we missed 100th day...TWICE!  The snow finally cleared out and the 100th day finally came with a 2 hour delay on Thursday February 13th.  We had a ton of fun activities planned for the day, but it just seemed like there wasn't enough time in the day.  There was no recess and we had to call the Music teacher and tell her we couldn't make it because we were nowhere near finished...but we finally got all our 100th day activities in.

First up - we hid 100 Hershey Kisses around the room and had the students go on a "scavenger hunt" to find them.  They found the kisses and put them in a bucket and then we colored in the numbers on a 100s board.  I did this all at one time - next year I will probably only color a few in at a time...this was time consuming! 

We found them!
 Coloring in the numbers on the 100s board.  I had it on the board with magnets and that was a disaster because it kept I put tape under it and that was much better!
He was the lucky one to color in #100! :) 

100th Day Necklace - My intern decided to tape the string to the table so the fruit loops couldn't slip off!

100th Day Hats - 10 strips of paper, with  10 stickers on each...staple to the hat.  This was a DISASTER.  I am going to rethink this one next year...stickers gone WILD.

Painting 100 dots - This one is easy, simple and fast. LOVE it :)

100th Day Snack "Hiaku" - 10 items, 10 of each.  Another one I love! 

 All of this took a really.long.time.  But here we are at the end :) 

It was a crazy busy day, but all in all a fun and exciting day for all involved.  All these activities come from this FREE 100th day pack!  If you haven't made it to the 100th day yet or want to save it for next year.  Swing by and grab it :) 

When is/was your 100th day?

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